Allowing incoming Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access even while your Ubuntu screen is locked enhances accessibility for administrators and remote users. RDP provides a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. By default, if the Ubuntu screen is locked, RDP access may be restricted. However, with a simple tweak using the dconf-editor tool, you can change this behavior.

The dconf-editor is a configuration system and settings management tool for Linux. With its user-friendly GUI, you can navigate through the system's settings and make necessary changes.

Keep in mind: Remote access always presents a potential security risk. Always ensure that you have strong passwords and follow best security practices when enabling such features.

Steps to permit RDP access during lock screen on Ubuntu:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Install the dconf-editor by using the following command:
    $ sudo apt update && sudo apt install --assume-yes dconf-editor
  3. Launch dconf-editor.
    $ dconf-editor

  4. Navigate to org > gnome > desktop > remote-desktop within the dconf-editor interface.
  5. Modify the require-user-authorization setting by unchecking its box or setting it to false.
  6. Close the dconf-editor. Your changes will be saved automatically.
  7. Ensure your RDP server (like xrdp or Vino) is running and configured correctly. If not, make the necessary adjustments.
  8. Lock your Ubuntu screen and test RDP access from a remote machine. If configured correctly, you should be able to connect even if the screen is locked.

By following these steps, you've now allowed RDP access to your Ubuntu machine even when the screen is locked. This can be especially useful for administrators or users who need to access their desktop remotely without constantly unlocking the screen. However, always remember to prioritize security when enabling remote access features.

This guide is tested on Ubuntu:

Version Code Name
22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish
23.10 Mantic Minotaur
24.04 LTS Noble Numbat
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