User information in Linux, including Ubuntu, is stored in the /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow files. Adding a new user involves manually updating these files or using specialized tools provided by the operating system.

Ubuntu offers command-line tools and graphical user interface (GUI) for user management, catering to system administrators' different preferences and needs. Available command-line tools for adding users in Ubuntu include adduser and useradd. These tools handle the creation of user accounts and necessary configurations. Command-line tools provide greater control and are ideal for automation and bulk user management. They are also the only available options for Ubuntu Server.

Ubuntu also provides a GUI method to ensure a consistent and efficient user management experience. The GUI tool is handy for those who prefer a more visual approach, while the command-line tools offer flexibility and scripting capabilities.

Steps to create a new user on Ubuntu:

  1. Open Settings from the Activities Overview.
  2. Click on System at the bottom of the sidebar menu.
  3. Click on Users from the System panel.
  4. Click the Unlock button at the top right of the screen.
  5. Enter your password to authenticate and click Authenticate.

    Your account must have Administrator privilege for this to work

  6. Click the Add User… button at the bottom of the panel.
  7. Enter the full name and the username of the new user.

    A Username will automatically be generated based on the entered Full Name but could be manually changed.

  8. Choose whether the user will be a normal user or an administrator.

    An administrator will have the capability to make system-wide changes such as to add a new user.

  9. Select whether the user will set the password at first login or set it manually.
  10. If setting the password manually, enter a secure password in both textboxes until the Add button is enabled.
  11. Click the Add button to create the user.
  12. The new user will now be listed among the existing users.

This guide is tested on Ubuntu:

Version Code Name
24.04 LTS Noble Numbat
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