MySQL and MariaDB manage table name case sensitivity based on the operating system. On case-sensitive systems like Linux or Unix, table names are case sensitive, meaning `TableName`, `TABLENAME`, and `tablename` are treated as distinct tables. However, on case-insensitive systems like Windows, table names are not case sensitive, and all variations are treated the same.

This behavior is controlled by the lower_case_table_names configuration option. On Linux, the default setting makes table names case sensitive, while on Windows, they are case insensitive by default. This can lead to issues when migrating databases between systems with different case sensitivity behavior. Adjusting the lower_case_table_names setting can prevent these issues by ensuring consistent behavior across platforms.

You can modify the lower_case_table_names option to change the table name handling. This involves setting the option in the configuration file based on your specific needs. After configuring this option, the database will store table names either in lowercase or as defined, depending on the chosen setting. This ensures table name consistency when moving databases between case-sensitive and case-insensitive environments.

Steps to set table name case sensitivity in MySQL or MariaDB:

  1. Open the MySQL or MariaDB configuration file using a text editor.
    $ sudo vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

    Ensure you have root or sudo access to modify the configuration file.

  2. Find or add the lower_case_table_names option under the [mysqld] section.

    Add the line if it doesn't already exist. Set the value according to your needs.

    0Stored based on CREATE statement and case sensitive
    1Stored in lowercase and not case sensitive
    2Stored based on CREATE statement and not case sensitive
  3. Save the configuration file and exit the editor.
  4. Restart the MySQL or MariaDB service to apply changes.
    $ sudo systemctl restart mysql
  5. Verify the changes by checking the current value of lower_case_table_names.
    $ sudo mysqladmin -u root -p variables | grep lower_case_table_names
    Enter password: 
    | lower_case_table_names                                   | 1
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