Screenshots in macOS can capture more than just the content of the window. By default, when you take a screenshot of a window using the Command + Shift + 4 shortcut, followed by a spacebar, macOS includes a drop-shadow. This drop-shadow can make the screenshot look more polished and give it depth.

However, in some instances, you might want a cleaner look without the drop-shadow. Perhaps for design projects, to save space, or simply personal preference. Thankfully, macOS provides flexibility through the Terminal, allowing users to disable or enable this drop-shadow effect at will.

Whether you're a designer, developer, or simply someone looking to customize your screenshots, the following steps will guide you in removing the drop-shadow from your macOS screenshots.

Steps to remove drop-shadow in macOS screenshots:

  1. Launch the Terminal application.
  2. Enter the following command to disable the drop-shadow.
    $ defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
  3. Refresh the user interface server for changes to take effect.
    $ killall SystemUIServer

    Once executed, any new screenshot taken using the window capture mode will not have the drop-shadow effect.

  4. Take a screenshot using Command + Shift + 4, followed by the spacebar, and select a window to capture.
  5. If you wish to revert and enable the drop-shadow again, input the following command in Terminal.
    $ defaults write disable-shadow -bool false
  6. Refresh the user interface server once more.
    $ killall SystemUIServer

    This will bring back the drop-shadow for all new screenshots taken in window capture mode.

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