cURL is a command-line tool that is commonly used to send requests to web servers and receive responses. It can fetch data from URLs, interact with APIs, and download files. Typically, the output of a cURL command is displayed in the terminal.

Saving the cURL response to a file is useful for storing data that needs to be reviewed, processed, or shared later. This method is especially helpful when working with large or binary files that cannot be efficiently handled in the terminal. Redirecting or appending the output to a file ensures that the data is saved for future use.

There are several ways to save cURL output, depending on the task at hand. Output can be redirected to a file, appended to an existing file, or stored using specific file-handling options. Each method serves a different purpose, such as handling errors separately or saving binary files properly. Choose the correct method based on the type of data being processed.

Steps to save cURL output to a file:

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Run the cURL command followed by > to redirect output to a file.
    $ curl > output.txt
  3. Use » to append output to an existing file without overwriting it.
    $ curl >> output.txt

    Using » ensures that existing data in the file remains intact and new data is appended.

  4. Use 2> to capture error messages in a separate file.
    $ curl https://invalid.url 2> errorlog.txt

    2> redirects standard error to a specified file, usually for logging errors.

  5. Combine both output and errors in a single file by using 2>&1.
    $ curl https://invalid.url > output.txt 2>&1

    2>&1 merges standard output and standard error into one file.

  6. Use the -o option to save binary files with a custom filename.
    $ curl -o customname.jpg

    The -o option allows you to specify a custom file name for the downloaded file.

  7. Use -O to save binary files using the original filename from the server.
    $ curl -O

    The -O flag saves the output using the same name as the remote file.

  8. Review the saved file by opening it in a text editor or appropriate software.
    $ cat output.txt
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